Re: [NTLK] trouble creating backdrop picture

From: RAParker (
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 20:19:37 PDT

--- Daniel Fackler wrote:
> I'm having trouble creating a backdrop picture. NewtonPress (Mac)
> crashes HARD partway through adding the PICT file. I'm running 05 9.2
> on a G3 tower.
> Any suggestions?

I've found Newton Press to be a little unstable at times on my 8600/200
w/OS9.1, especially when using the file/add option (or insert, or
import, or whatever it is - can't remember, but you'll find it under
the file menu).

Other's have suggested (prior) on this list to increase the Memory (Get
Info) for the NP application to 25MB or more. I just did that the other
day so I can't tell you if it helps or not...

Personally, I've found NP works 200% more reliably if you simply use
cut & paste as opposed to file/add. Cut the picture from your graphics
app and then paste it directly into a new Newton Press document. NP
handles the translation from the clipboard without any complaints (or



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