Re: [NTLK] newbie first post

From: ccsccs7 (
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 15:13:08 PDT

Before I was able to install anything, I actually used a Pismo to
install some packages (I believe the Newton was freshly restored and all
when I got it, unless some kind of IR drivers stuff was installed (not
nitro)) I used Newton Data Browser ( ) on the Pismo started up in Mac
OS 9 (not in Classic under X). Set your Dock on the Newton to connect
via IR. I suppose you could give that a try. It took me a couple of
tries to get it right. At least if you get it to work, you could make
sure it has all the correct networking stuff installed in order to sync
in a fashion you might prefer.


Thomas Isenbarger wrote:

>hello all:
>I will soon be the owner of a MP2100 (assuming my ebay purchase comes
>through). i've been scouring the web and it seems that there's a nice
>community of users here. it's great to be joining the ranks.
>i have a few questions about getting networking up and running, but
>first here are the items that will be coming with my Newton:
>Alternatively, I also have a Pismo at home (has IR capability). But,
>as I understand it, IR connections are difficult. . .and I will need to
>get IR drivers and/or programs into the Newton before using IR anyway.

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