Re: [NTLK] Newton 2100s on eBay.

From: Martin Joseph (
Date: Mon May 10 2004 - 10:42:25 PDT

On May 10, 2004, at 10:00 AM, Andrew C.Rempt wrote:

> A zero feedback seller working a list sounds really suspicious to me.
> Why not sell to the people on the list directly? Why not answer emails?
> Could be on the up-and-up, but I don't like it. If anyone has any
> success with them/him, let us know.

The Zero feedback thing is a clear no go for me also. I have never
been burned on ebay and intend to keep it that way.

Also the guy who posted the link to the list, responded to my email by
saying he isn't the one selling them. I had mailed him with the
correction regarding the "titanium" stylus. I would have thought if it
was "his company" selling them he would have just forwarded the info to
the responsible party. Instead he emailed me back saying "I'm not the


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