Re: [NTLK] networking on NOS 1.3 newts

From: Grant Hutchinson (
Date: Sat Oct 02 2004 - 22:03:10 PDT

In a previous message, I3enedek Gergely typed vigorously:

>Is it feesable to backport some kind of networking to the older newts,
>apart from the greater RAM restraints and being able to provide less
>power to the pcmcia slot they should be capable.

I think your throwing your wishes away waiting for this to happen. Speed,
memory and lack of developer resources would equate to 'three strikes
you're out' regarding this scenario. Sorry, but you'll have to either
live with the joys of dial-up or saved your pennies for a refurbished
2x00. As great as the form-factor of the older Newts is, TCP/IP just
ain't gonna happen my friend.



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