From: WL (
Date: Thu Oct 14 2004 - 03:18:34 PDT
The eMate has the best keyboard I've ever used, even though it still has a
nice touch screen.
The eMate is actually fun to use due to it's dual input ability.
It has a built-in carrying handle, albeit it's a little small.
It only has one pc card but it's a type III form.
But yeah, get the cables fixed.
It's a great addition to a collection, but yeah don't spend over $100.00
unless it's got gold cables inside. :-P
At 11:35 AM 10/13/2004, you wrote:
>Does an emate have the same screen as a 2100? I've only seen one in a
>photograph so I can't tell. I've been kicking around the idea of
>buying an emate to add to my collection of Newtons. I have a 2100 and
>a 130. There are some pretty inexpensive ones on eBay right now.
>Does anybody on list have one they want to sell? If so, please
>contact me off-list.
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