From: David Abramowitz (
Date: Wed Sep 22 2004 - 08:07:17 PDT
There's always a TypePad account, like the one Mike Manzano uses and
speaks about in the Wired article. The "Pro" level account allows the
right mix of Newton community features:
- allows anyone to contribute (multiple authors)
- allows you to submit your blog entry via e-mail, which means anyone
with a Newton (hey, that's us!) or eMate (our clammy cousin) could use
SimpleMail or whatever other e-mail client they have installed. Add a
wireless card to the mix, like Mike did, and you've got the perfect
formula for a Newton-community-driven blog.
Of course, it's not free - it's $14.95/month, which after discounts and
all, runs about $130/year. There might be other options for blogging,
but I don't know of others that would allow one to use moblogging -
e-mail on the Newt to submit (no ties to a web browser for posting).
There's a 30-day trial, but I don't think that's for the Pro option.
- Dave
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