[NTLK] Pinging Newton/Linux Users

From: Matthew Reidsma (matthew_at_reidsrow.com)
Date: Sat Apr 16 2005 - 17:15:23 PDT

Hey Gang,

Over the past 6 months I've been migrating away from OSX to Linux
(Debian Woody) as my primary operating system. I've been toying of late
with getting some connectivity going between my Newt and Linux, so that
I don't have to use my server as a stopping point for note syncing and
such. But every time I try to compile the Newtlink program from UNNA, I
get some odd C syntax errors and the ./configure fails.

Anyone have any suggestions on this? If others have successfully
compiled these apps in Linux then I'll be happy to bore you all with
kernel numbers, libraries and specs. If the sources are borked, then I'd
hope someone can point me in the right direction. I primarily use the
console, and so I was hoping to avoid nXchange, as I rarely use

Thanks in advance!


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