Re: [NTLK] Jaggies, Jaggies, JAGGIES, ARGH!

From: Puckdropper (
Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 - 08:59:11 PDT

There are two versions of the jaggies: hardware
jaggies and software jaggies.

You probably have the hardware version (but may also
have a case of the software version.) Try taking your
Newt apart as per the Newton disassembly guide, (Under the hardware
section of your language choice.) and cleaning the
edge of the screen with a soft cloth.

That partially cured my version of the jaggies, but I
had to brain wipe my Newt to get rid of the rest of
them. Luckily, the data on my memory card didn't wipe
out the brain wipe's effectiveness.


--- Scott Strungis <> wrote:
> Hi Newt-folk,
> Lately I am at the point with my Mp2100 where I want
> to chuck it against the
> wall and hope it helps.
> In the last two weeks or so, my Newt has become
> unusable for anything except
> book reading. I have a bad case of the Jaggies. I
> cannot write at all
> without making a mess. I usually have to realign
> the pen every 10 minutes
> or so and it's even a pain to realign as I need to
> "find" the align pen
> button on the touch screen.
> I am at the point where I am ready to start using my
> Handspring Visor again
> (and I don't want to do that) for day to day use.
> I have tried sliding a business card between screen
> and bezel edges to no
> avail. I am getting really frustrated. Is there
> something I can do, or do
> I need to send my aging Newt out for a fix?
> Thanks,
> Scott Strungis
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