[NTLK] Dates: Repeat every other day?

From: Terence Griffin (terence.griffin_at_nist.gov)
Date: Wed Feb 02 2005 - 12:09:42 PST

  How do I set a repeating event/appointment that repeats every other
  day? I know I can Repeat - Other and pick Every Week, then select
  alternate days, but that isn't really every other day. I'd get
  Mo-We-Fr or Su-Tu-Th-Sa every week. What I want is to alternate
  these two every other week, So a two week cycle would be:

  If I set two events, one repleat MWF and the other STTS, then I get
  repeats every day.

  I can used Repeat - Other and poick Every Other Week, but that only
  lets me pick one day, not multiple days like Every Week.

  Do I really have to set 7 events, repeating every other week?
  There has to be an easier way.


  - Tere

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