From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Wed Feb 09 2005 - 10:28:59 PST
Aux environs du 9/02/05 à 10:21 -0800, sous le titre "[NTLK] Styles
in outline notes", Steven Frank prit sa plus belle plume pour écrire
les mots suivants:
>I'm taking another crack at using my Newton as my day-to-day notepad,
>and I had a question about what seems like an odd behavior in Notes.
>Say I have an outline note with a few bullet point items. I then
>select the whole thing and reduce it from 18 pt to 12 pt text.
>Wonderful. But now the next time I add a bullet point, I'm back to 18
>pt, and the positioning of the bullet is a little out of whack. I have
>to select it again, change the size, and kinda drag it around a little
>bit to get the spacing right in relation to the other items.
>That doesn't seem right. How can I get a style to "stick" in an
AFAIK, new items have the default font. To change the default font,
change the font while nothing is selected. You can unselect
everything by taping the horizontal rule between notes.
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