From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Tue Jul 19 2005 - 07:33:48 PDT
That is the old story with the missing handshake for the data connection
with a PC.
Since nowadays PCs are much faster, the connection does not work properly
without synchronisation/handshake.
The workaround solution is to slow down the PC by heavily loading it with
dummy processes.
This canbe done using the so called >slow down< program in multiple
instances, depending on the processing power of your machine...
It should be available on Unna.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jon Scordia
> Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 5:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: [NTLK] NCU on PC fails NewtonWorks Export
> Hi list, back again.
> I'm still trying to download an important Newtonworks document
> via NCU on a standard serial connection.
> NCU allows me to select the particular file, however on
> proceeding it gives me the following error:
> "The connection was stopped because of a communication error. (-1)"
> On searching the errors databases a -1 error doesn't seem to be listed.
> I've tried saving a copy, have checked there are no full stops,
> slashes etc in the first few lines, but cannot export this document.
> I've tried creating a blank document and that works fine. If I
> cut and paste the text from the offending document into the blank
> and it wont export! There is nothing untoward within the
> Newtworks doc, just formatted text.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Is anyone out there writing an nSync plugin for Newtworks? THAT
> would make my day!
> Thanks
> Jon
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