From: Harrison Jordan (
Date: Mon Jun 20 2005 - 14:47:41 PDT
Hi y'all.
I am saddened to report that I will be selling my newton. Perhaps a FS
post will be put on newtontalk if necessary if I don't worked out a
deal with anyone.
It's great that all of you are enthsiastic about soduko for the newton!
On 20-Jun-05, at 4:59 PM, Michael C. Wittmann wrote:
> Hey, that's great! The game is exactly the kind of teaser that I like
> (I'm a physicist, I was a nerd who factored the odometer on my car
> for fun while driving long boring rides). As was pointed out, the
> website that was sent out created impossible puzzles. I'd never
> played before, but I didn't find a single one that didn't have a
> logical inconsistency built into at some point.
> It's a slick game, though. Fun to keep "registers" of information
> floating in your head. I look forward to loading it on my Newton as a
> true time waster!
> Michael
> On 2005 Jun 20, at 1:23 PM, Daniel Padilla wrote:
>>> whoops lol. well it's also strange that that was the only javascript
>>> version of soduko that I have seen on the internet. I guess there
>>> just
>>> isn't enough interest for a javascript/newtonscript version of soduko
>> Nah, it's interesting. I spent an hour yesterday and the user
>> interface
>> is already done. I'll try to put it up together during the week.
>> D.
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