Re: [NTLK] Newton Programming Basics

From: John Charlton (
Date: Mon Mar 07 2005 - 08:52:43 PST

Sean Cross wrote:
What I don't
understand is the lifetime of the package when it actually gets onto
the Newton. What is actually run when the package is loaded? What is
run when the package is activated? What is run when a package is
tapped? And what does the lifetime of a program look like?

I was lucky enough to find a cheap copy of 'Programming for the Newton Using Macintosh' which has a good explanation of most of this. Unfortunately it goes for a ridiculous price on Amazon, seems there's a demand for it. I personally found the QuickTime movies included on the CD very useful in getting me started. It's basic, but gets you over the hump and explains some of the quirky stuff you need to be aware of.

Also essential reading is the 'Newton Toolkit User's Guide', available as a pdf. While learning I've found it handy to have that, the NewtonScript Reference, the Programmer's Guide and Reference open in Acrobat and search through them for keywords when I got stuck.

If you've got experience with any language I don't think you're going to have big problems with NewtonScript. Some of the message-passing that goes on behind the scenes is hard to find out about, but most of it is documented somewhere.


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