[NTLK] internet problems

From: Thomas Isenbarger (isen_at_charter.net)
Date: Thu Mar 10 2005 - 09:33:43 PST

Why is it that I tend to have *many* more connection problems over
wireless or wired Ethernet connections when I attempt to check my
SimpleMail than when I use NewtsCape?

I would say that 9 times out of 10 when I use SimpleMail, I get some
kind of problem or hang in the connection (before the mail check even
starts). But, with Newtscape, I get a successful connection 9 times
out of 10, and probably at a higher frequency than that.

Do other folks have this same experience? Why would it be so different
for these two pkgs?

Tom Isenbarger

Tom Isenbarger PhD
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