Re: [NTLK] HoldNewt

From: Jon Scordia (
Date: Tue Nov 08 2005 - 10:45:56 PST

I really appreciate the interest. And I like the HoldNewt a lot. Hmmm...interesting!

And of course John's enthusiasm!!!

John wrote:

"Such would also appear to be the case with Jon's folding stand,
which BTY I still need a price and an eMail address to order a few of
these please ;-) What's the hold up ;-)"

Whoa John, Whoa! As soon as I know this thing REALLY works, and how to make it efficiently, then I'll post an update. I'm in this to make something people will like and use lots, and it won't fall apart, scratch their precious Newtons, cause RSI etc etc. The jump from concept to reality is huge! Who want's a nano type class action suit? eh? (I can only dream...)

John also wrote:

"I am not an engineer so I'm not positive about this differences and
distinctions, perhaps Jon and Robinson and further clarify."

Do you realise that we're involved in 'open source' design here? What other product designers would share their ideas with each other so freely? Certainly nowhere else in the computer industry. So we can't be in it for the money, but for the challenge. How altruistic we are!

But be patient, a few good solutions, with different pros and cons, so different modes of use are evolving. Not bad for a 'dead platform'!!!!



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