[NTLK] OT - I need an old 5 1/4" floppy drive to recover old PC data -- Any ideas?

From: mkow1234_at_aol.com
Date: Mon Nov 14 2005 - 06:20:17 PST

Thank you to the many folks who responded on list and/or responded via personal e-mail note to my request for help. I sincerely appreciate your enthusiastic responses to help me recover my research data. Hopefully, when I complete my personal quest, there will be one or two research papers worthy of publishing into the Newton eBook format. I'm going to follow Andrei's advice and check with a few of the small pc repair shops around town. there might be a solution available locally. If not, I will be in touch with a few of you fellows for some more help. Thanks again! :O)
Warmest regards,
Matt K.
Detroit, Michigan, USA

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