Re: [NTLK] Native installer for NCU and OS X Update

From: SbM (
Date: Wed Nov 16 2005 - 08:00:53 PST

Le 15 nov. 2005 =E0 2:02, James Wages a =E9crit :

> On 11/14/05 11:21 PM, SbM wrote:
>> I think you really should try Escale: it works fine, except
>> sometimes it hangs while deconnecting from the Newton.
> I know you didn't mean to say something that sounds "humorous" but =20
> it did
> get me to chuckle a bit. :-)

I'm glad I made you laugh.

> Seriously, Newton users who read this this want something that =20
> works as well
> as NCU on a classic Mac, but with modern connectivity. That =20
> "working well"
> part doesn't mean "hangs while disconnecting."

This slight problem doesn't really bother me 'cause I don't use =20
connectivity that much with my Newts. Your mileage may vary.

> If Escale is so great, why have so many posted to this list about =20
> paying
> good money for an NCU replacement?

See ? I haven't !

> Because they have never tried Escale?
> Hardly. In many cases it's *BECAUSE* they've tried it. It also =20
> could be
> that some prefer the legacy NCU interface over Escale.

Well I can't see anything wrong with interface in Escale. It's pretty =20=


> Yes, that costs money and cost the time of some
> programmer, but "consumers" among us are willing to pay that in the =20=

> form of
> purchasing copies of the said software.

I'm not. I don't use my Newts enough to pay for such a software. Here =20=

again, your mileage may vary.

> Right now, the Newton community
> simply waits and prays that a tiny bug will be fixed in their favorite
> software "sometime over the next decade." I for one have grown a bit
> impatient with that.

I can understand that.

Hope you'll get what you're waiting for eventually...

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