Re: [NTLK] SysPatch 0.5b

From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Wed Nov 16 2005 - 12:53:05 PST

Subject: Re: [NTLK] SysPatch 0.5b
From: DJ Vollkasko <DJ_Vollkasko () gmx ! net>
Date: 2005-11-03 21:03:44

>> - I've had it
>> installed for years (along with Heaven or Hell [2]) and rarely
>> experience -10061 errors. While both of these extensions provide
>> protection from the -10061 error, SysPatch also fixes a few other
>> minor issues.
> Like which? What does it have to do with sound functions? Richard
> wrote somewhere it fixed problems with that... only: What problems?

Still curious about that... Any takers?

And what's the "Super -10061 Fix" Richard's patch offers? Anybody know

>> Victor explained this setup several years ago on the
>> list. [3]
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
> Ah so! Okay, I'll try that.

I've installed Yosuke Suzuki's Heaven or Hell and SysPatch 0.6b both on
store. Running Heaven or Hell, my Newton regularly freezes up, either
"Check NOW!", idle time check, or during the selected "Power-off check".
When I hardreset the brick and retry e.g. with "Check NOW!", then
Heaven or
Hell will proceed beyond the package where it stalled before, and stall
on a
different package. Or it even stalls on rebooting. After one or two more
hardresets, the check runs w/o freeze...

Then, repeating the check half a day later, the same behaviour can be
observed. It is still there when I freeze SysPatch (to check against
conflicts between those two packages). It stops only after Yosuke's
is frozen (with or w/o SysPatch running).

Why is it doing this? Have others experienced similar problems with this


D. Vollkasko

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