From: Martin Gomez (
Date: Thu Nov 17 2005 - 09:32:38 PST
Hi list, sorry for the OT, but it got to my nerves
I think that the real problem is knowing if the 3rd world really wants
your help.
You know that your 1st world so-called "help programs" send to my
country tons and tons of toxical waste? hospital residues?
non-recyclable computer monitor cases? (just the cases, the inside the
1st world do recycle of course)
Really, if you're going to help us like you helped Irak.... keep the
help to yourself...
As we don't know how a computer or an OS is, this mail is brought to you
attached to a pigeon leg, written in a piece of leather since we havn't
invented paper yet.
I really expected more from an educated person, since you're a Director
in a University... this kind of comments i used to get from 14 yr old
brats when I played online games, not from "thinking" people.
Martin Gómez
Buenos Aires
>The biggest problem is not if the people can use it or not. The =20
>biggest problem is if they will even receive the devices once a =20
>country pays for the units. These are supposed to go to third world =20
>countries with little or no infrastructure. Most of the time these =20
>countries ports are controlled by corrupt governments or warlords =20
>that will steal anything of value before it "arrives". That is the =20
>real problem with this type of initiative. If the people who these =20
>machines were invented for, actually receive them then they can be =20
>trained on how to use them. Remember they (or most of them) have no =20
>basis on which to judge if the OS is "good" or not. They have never =20
>seen a computer or electricity in most places.
>Clayton Mitchell
>Jane Evans Language Center
>Drake University
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