[NTLK] New Newton eBooks!

From: DJ Vollkasko (DJ_Vollkasko_at_gmx.net)
Date: Sat Nov 19 2005 - 12:29:54 PST

Newtonians, the books is live. ;=}

Subject: [NTLK] New Newton eBooks!
From: mkow1234 () aol ! com
Date: 2005-11-18 19:43:42

>Newton Readers,
> Here, hot off the presses are some new Newton eBooks for your
> First, blog writer Paul English was kind enough to grant permission
to republish
> some content from his web site. The result is the following:
>"IVR Phone Cheat Codes"
> This Newton eBook is a reference guide of "secret" telephone commands
that can often \
>help the user to escape from voice mail Hell and gain access to a
human operator! By \
>punching in a few secret commands or saying a word or two, you too can
buck the \
>System! (MP 2X00 and Classic formats)


Buck the system, huh? Ride da bronco, I say! Make 'im work for you!
"Please hold ze line" my big fat hairy... ;=}

>Next, native South African writer Errol Uys has agreed to allow the
republishing of \
>some content from one of his books, giving us:
>"Excerpts from 'Riding the Rails: American Teenagers on the Move
During the Great \
>This eBook contains excerpts from the author's excellent book about
America's youth \
>and their struggle to survive during the economic hardships of the
Great Depression. \
>Mr. Uys' introduction leads into four brief narratives by some of the
individuals who \
>braved life on the rails nearly seventy years ago. Damn fine reading,
but it might \
>make you shed a tear or two. It's powerful stuff. There's a nice
bonus near the end \
>of the book -- an interview with the author! (MP 2X00 and Classic

Powerful stuff, uh? Boy, is this great!

>But wait -- there's more!

No! You don't say!?

>From the collection at the University of Virginia comes a rather dry
but interesting \
>historical paper:
>"The Dime Novel in American Life" (1907)
>A bit dry to read, but perhaps of some interest to those wishing to
gain further \
>understanding of pulp literature and/or popular culture in
Nineteenth-Century \
>America. (MP 2X00 and Classic formats)

 From Atlantic Monthly, none the less. Can't wait to read this. I'm
*such* a sucker for quality trash like dime novels and cheep serials!

>These babies are so fresh off the presses that the e-Ink hasn't had
time to dry! \

Dang, dat SO bloody true, you koulda warned me befores, Mr. K.! Now I
got my digits all dirty from handling that stuff and filing it. Boy,
does that suck. How I gets dem bloody black bits off me

>They're not even uploaded to Marty and DJ's web site yet!

That a F_A_T lie! They is all up! Don't listen to this disinformation
programme! ;=}

>So... send me a personally \
>written e-mail inquiry. That's it. Act now, and you'll receive an
additional free \
>bonus eBook!

But you might as well write him and grab that book, folks. I mean, it's
free and all, so... ;=} Also it's great to get *some* feedback after
putting such cool stuff together like Misters Matt and Matt did! Let
them know there's more than one half promille people on this list who
care about new quality content.

>We now return you to the revolving door of endless Apple product

Okay, what's the next topic: "Will the next iPod have more Newton-genes
than just the system font", or "Why Steve is cool but sucks (still)"?

>Detroit, Michigan (Sure seems like the Third World to me), USA

Man, and you're not even in Louisiana!

Okay, and here's the other stuff that went down today, stuff from Matt
& Matt and 2 pcs from yours truly
(just so I don't look so lazy next to them ;=} ):

        New in http://www.stillnewt.org/library/_Nonfiction/_Politics/
CIA World Fact Book Vol. 1 (2005): Newtified and edited by Matt K.,
featuring Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Colombia,
European Union, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, North Korea, Russia, Saudi
Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and the Ukraine.

        New in http://www.stillnewt.org/library/_Nonfiction/_Other
Howe, Matt - Almanach (2k only) - handy little reference book with all
kinds of tables from all kinds of sources. Check the ReadMe, it's
incedible what Matt compiled there!

        New in
Scalzi, John - Agent to the Stars (1997): "...a remarkably intelligent
first-contact yarn, this book is absurd, funny, and satirically
perceptive."--Booklist, 5/15/05

        New in
Sax%20Rohmer%20(1883-1959)/Paul Harley-Mystery Stories/
Rohmer, Sax - Bat Wing: A Paul Harley-mystery story with some scary
voodoo connections... Appended by DJ Vollkasko (that's me!) with
Wikipedia's article on the author.

                        -- What a great day for bookish Newtonians!

DJ Vollkasko

The Temporary Newton Library

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/

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