[NTLK] Mapper vs Newton Press

From: Matt Howe <matthowe_at_comcast.net>
Date: Fri Apr 28 2006 - 17:39:54 EDT

OK, as promised here is my take on the advantages of maps in Mapper vs
Newton Press. As I don't have a Mac, I couldn't make Mapper modules via NTK
so I used the alternate Newton Press method. Both methods provide scrollable
maps but Mapper uses the whole screen and scrolls quicker and smoother than
Newton books. So If you are making just a map, view it with Mapper. If you
are making a trip book with directions, reservation information, etc. you
can make it all in a Newton book but you might want to make a book of the
text information and a separate map for Mapper. What would be really great
would be if someone with the both a Mac and a Win machine made a version of
the Mapper module template for the Win platform. But till then I'll just
make maps via Newton Press.

Matt "Ducky" Howe

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Received on Fri Apr 28 17:40:27 2006

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