Re: [NTLK] Going for a Newton

From: Jon Glass <>
Date: Tue Aug 08 2006 - 02:02:58 EDT

On 8/8/06, Tony Kan <> wrote:
> Have you discovered Starchart yet; I took my 2 year old outside and identified
> Jupiter for him a couple of months ago. My wife was impressed.

Ha! I did the exact same thing. I was watching the sunset a few weeks
ago with my three older kids, and after, the moon was out, and this
bright planet above it, to the right. Looking at it through
binoculars, it looked _huge_. I wasn't sure what it was, so I pulled
out my Newton with Sky Guide, and discovered it was Saturn, I believe
(I don't remember now). This is an example of software I don't have on
my Palm. ;-)

There are four programs I am aware of for astronomy, StarChart, Sky
Guide, Planet Finder and Moon. Any more I'm forgetting or not aware
of? I feel like I'm missing something...

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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Received on Tue Aug 8 02:02:59 2006

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