From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Mon Feb 20 2006 - 00:16:18 PST
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Lego Mindstorm Newton SDK Idea: Now with free
Bluetooth wish! ;=}
From: Sean Luke <sean () cs ! gmu ! edu>
Date: 2006-01-11 1:27:11
> Unfortunately, Waba for the Newton doesn't have serial working
> right, so that's a non-starter.
Sean, you're breaking my heart, you really do. Why doesn't nWaba do the
> Sounds like a fun project in general though.
What I'm sayin', man! ;=}
One thing I really would like to see would be more new apps. We
regularly get some tools and hacks and drivers that improve our lives
and usability and things the Newtons already could do before in a way
and now will do much nicer/faster/more stable--and all that is much
appreciated, too--, but we don't get things that take the Newton into
totally new areas of application.
What I'm dreaming of are the one or two killer apps that are so kewl
that people just HAFTA grab a Newton to get 'em, regardless of what
they think about the Newton. Connecting the Newt to everything and all
the other good stuff is great--if you already are a Newton user. Now,
what I mean is: Let's give people reasons to become users (again).
> Sure wish I had the NTK
> runnable on my machine.
I sure wish so, too! ;=}
Anything we could do to help?
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