From: Gregory J. Wayman (
Date: Wed Jan 04 2006 - 08:45:12 PST
I'm having some mail issues with Newtontalk, hope this entire response comes through this time......
Re: [NTLK] Nitro/OBEX problem
Just curious, why do you have to transfer via OBEX? Wouldn't you just "Beam" from one Newton to the other via the built in function? I was under the impression that OBEX was for transmitting to PALM.
Can you not just do a complete back-up and then transfer it to the new Newton? SBM Utilities is another route, allowing you to copy from one card to another. One thing to be careful of is that some of your software may be using the Owner ID , so make sure that it is typed in exactly the same in your new unit. Maybe someone else will chime in, but some software uses the ID of the unit also.
Hey, Maybe a good thing for the wiki, a list of software and what there serial scheme is?
No one else has responded, I hope I'm not overlooking something. Also you can change what ever icons you want in your Button Bar (it's a little tricky at first) just hold down on the icon you want till it makes the 'squeek' noise, then slowly drag it from the unfiled area to the button bar.
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