From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Fri Jan 20 2006 - 04:24:11 PST
Subject: [NTLK] New Newton eBook publishing progress...
From: mkow1234 () aol ! com
Date: 2006-01-20 2:21:07
>I also downloaded the raw text files from Project Gutenberg for the
following eBooks \
>"Kidnapped!" by Robert Louis Stevenson, "The Jungle Book" by Rudyard
Kipling, and \
>"Black Beauty". I will format and edit these additional titles, if
they have not \
>already been "Newtonized" by somebody else already.
Oi Matt,
Kidnapped! and Jungle Book are available in Classic Format. At least
I'm positive about Kidnapped (as I'm reading it right now), and I've
thought I'd seen Jungle Book at UNNA's messy book dump or Planet
Newton. Black Beauty might be there, too, not sure, though--check the
Planet Newton Mirror at UNNA and UNNA archive. Man, we really got to
consolidate that stuff...
I'll add some new things to the Library this weekend... Something from
the Victorian Decadence movement (more Machen horror), and something
about Intelligent Design. Had something else, too, what was it...?
P.S.: For all the good Newton folks that loved David Wellington's
_Horror/Wellington,%20David/ ), there's a new novel underway since
Monday last week. A new chapter every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, looky
here . Blood-curdling
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