Sorry if this is a repost - I don't think this went through earlier
today when I sent it.
Hey listers,
I fulfilled a longtime wish of mine last summer by scoring a PDA
Concepts Handstand case. It's great! I love it! I discovered, however,
that what I like about the Newton is that it doesn't have a keyboard.
For keyboard sessions, I just prefer my laptop.
So, rather than have this fine case (that I have used twice, and the
previous, original owner claimed to have used 3 times) sitting around
collecting dust, I thought I would offer it up to the community. It
looks brand new, and comes with the Newton keyboard, shoulder strap
and leather hand strap, as well as the Leather Newton harness that is
no longer available. (And to head off requests, NO I will not split
this up. You've got to take the whole shabang.)
I'd like to get $90 shipped to the continental US, Paypal or
Check/Money Order. You can email me about shipping to other countries
as well, but that will be more. I'm also interested in working out
trades for Newton gear. Please email me any trade offers off list.
Thanks again, back to our regular programming.
Pics of the Handstand in action at the PDA Concepts page:
Read a review of this great, but discontinued case:
-- ----- Matthew Reidsma Boston, MA U.S.A. -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: on Wed Mar 1 21:51:32 2006
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