On Oct 11, 2006, at 5:06 AM, Adam Goddard wrote:
> On 11/10/2006, at 9:59 PM, Abraham Limpo MartÃnez wrote:
>> IIRC, all macs ditched their serial ports long ago.
Huh, my 8500 seems to still have his... ;~)
> This is untrue, well, unless you're talking about panel mounted
> connectors for it... Basically, if it's got a modem installed or modem
> ready (I don't know of any mac that doesn't these days)
This is definitely wrong. Some of the newest (last year or so) do
NOT have any internal modem and rely on USB for this connection...
> then it has a
> serial port. Look in Apple System Profile under Modem and see the
> interface. :-)
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Received on Wed Oct 11 12:55:53 2006
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