I was browsing through a Newton Hardware Wishlist on a site a few days back,
and I had an idea that it appeared that no one else did: Would it be
possible to either add a USB port to the newton (There's plenty of room for
the physical port, at the very least. NewtonSales is adding Serial ports,
and even a headphone jack.), or, perhaps better, create a
USB-to-Interconnect dongle? Someone would have to rewrite some software to
be able to use the USB Bus, of course, but that doesn't seem too hard.
Is there some hardware geek out there that can explain why this wouldn't
work? Something about voltages or controller chips that I wouldn't
understand, but I could nod understandingly and say, "Oh, OK, there is a
great reason that this has never happened."?
If it were possible, it would simplify a lot of our lives significantly, not
to mention enable a lot more people to join our little club with a minimum
of effort.
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