Hi Gary
I can respond to some of your questions.
On Feb 9, 2007, at 3:40 PM, knowtree@aloha.com wrote:
> I just got Internet working on my MP2100 and have a few questions.
> 1. Will Hiroshi's WaveLAN driver automatically scan channels to
> locate my
> SSID? At home I have my base station on channel 9 to avoid
> interference
> with the neighbors. We already do not use WEP because my old Linux
> laptop
> was not compatible, so I use a MAC address ACL.
I use an airport graphite set to channel 11, I just set my newton's
wavelan turbo bronze to channel 9. My SSID was located and two other
open networks in my neighborhood were ignored.
> 4. I have read about the registration issue with Hiroshi. What
> about Newt's
> Cape? The URL supplied
> <http://members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/newtscape.htm>
> returns a
> 404. Do I get more functionality if I register? Anybody have a way to
> contact them?
Steve is a frequent reader of this list but perhaps not today. In
October 06 he posted an update to his contact information. Reprint
follows. This software is still supported.
my Comcast-based email & web site will disappear in/after Nov 2006 --
so, if you have saweyer@comcast.net in your address book
or home.comcast.net/~saweyer/... in your bookmarks,
you should update (see below) when convenient,
so that you will be redirected / forwarded to my current location.
You can still find my Newton software (Newt's Cape, NewtDevEnv,
newtVNC, Sloup, ...):
or: <http://newted.org/users/weyer/newton/index.htm>
or: <http://communicrossings.com/>
You can email me:
or: weyer@newted.org
> 5. When Newt's Cape starts it displays a little window of raw HTML.
> Is that
> supposed to happen?
Yes this I believe is the code for the "About" page that then
displays. Both disappear when the registered copy is installed and
the I paid box is ticked.
Newt'sCape displays HTML documents as NewtonBooks.
> 7. When I do a search on Google nothing is displayed until I do
> something
> else, which causes the web page to spring open. I have not visited
> enough
> places to determine if this is "normal." Maybe it will work better on
> Wi-Fi; I'll find out tonight.
In my cast the search was not initiated by tapping the keyboard
'cr', I had to tap the search button on the google page.
> 8. In Newt's Cape I see a menu item "Save as Package." What are the
> steps
> involved to use this to fetch a package, say from UNNA? Do I still
> use the
> Dock, like I do when I download? I'm thinking it might be easier to
> download with my Unix box and install like I have been with
> unixnpi, which
> works great.
"Save as Package" will save the temporary newton book that NewtsCape
uses to display the current document or Web Site to a Newton Book
Package that will show up in your extras drawer. This package will
now behave as a Newton book, but will have a few additional buttons
at the bottom." This may take some time so don't assume that your
Newton is Frozen.
Newt'sCape can download and install packages, simply by clicking on
them. UNNA Archives are large and Not fun with Newt'scape. There
are some other Newton friendly sites and I am sure someone has a
list. I would try Ed's site "Package Downloader" <http://www.tek-
ed.com/> to test this feature. I also have used my own Web Sharing
folder and Newt'scape to install packages.
> All in all things went smoothly, thanks to the many discussions in
> this
> group. Not to mention all the hard work that went into those programs.
> Gary Dunn
> Honolulu
> MP110, MP2100
Good luck
-- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Sat Feb 10 12:25:56 2007
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