On 3/22/2007 10:55 AM, William Pociengel wrote:
> so why not leave the older sit's as is and ADD zips to the archive? yes
> the archive is larger but then we wouldn't have to worry about this
> issue. alternatively we could just expand them and leave them as is and
> compress is needed?
> william
If that is such a large issue I would suggest not bothering with
compression and just decompress the files having them in the same
directory as the .sit (there are a number of packages that are already
decompressed like this on UNNA). I am not on a Mac but it seems that I
remember there are tools to create such forks anyway?
I think at one point Victor saw the writing on the wall and was
archiving the files both with .sit and uncompressed. Not to mention
this enables people to download the files directly to their Newton if it
is in .pkg format.
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