[NTLK] Alignment--call for programmers (was: Jaggies? 7-2008)

From: Doug Parker <ispinn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun Jul 06 2008 - 19:06:50 EDT

I'm convinced we need a new software alignment tool.

As Kostas has noted, and I have too, ink alignment is slightly
off as you approach the bottom right of the screen on some
Newts. Aligning the pen doesn't fix the problem because the
software alignment tool is part of the problem.

Anyone with this type of misalignment--try this.

Open a new note, and in drawing mode, make a small "u" at
the bottom right of the screen. Observe how far off your stylus
tip is from the ink at the start and stop of the "u".

Next, align your pen. When you align your pen:

1) Click the center of the first alignment point
2) Click slightly to the top left of the second alignment point
about as far a you were off in the "u" mark above
3) Click the center of the third alignment point

Try making another "u" and it will track exactly. If it doesn't,
experiment until it does.

It appears older Newtons need a different alignment tool to
compensate for the aging x,y difference. I don't think the
original alignment tool works because it inherently assumes
your second alignment tap is in the center of the X when it's
actually off by a little bit.

Let the discussion begin.

Doug Parker

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Received on Sun Jul 6 19:06:53 2008

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