Re: [NTLK] [ANN] HOW TO - Ad Hoc Wireless AppleTalk Bridge (a Tutorial)

From: RAParker <QuadzillaNET_at_SBCGlobal.NET>
Date: Thu Jul 10 2008 - 21:22:37 EDT

Bumping this thread up a notch for good reason...

If you downloaded this PDF (released 6/30/08) before this last Monday
(7/7/08), you may want to re-download it. I have fixed some pagination
issues through-out. I also fixed a bad link in the Reference section,
at the end.

The link is the same, just the document has been improved.


On Jun 30, 2008, at 6:16 PM, RAParker wrote:

> Announcing (as promised) for immediate download:
> <>
> HOW TO: Ad Hoc Wireless AppleTalk Bridge
> A tutorial for creating a Wireless AppleTalk Bridge;
> connecting a Newton MessagePad 2x00 (or eMate 300)
> to most (if not all) Newton Applications running under
> Mac OS X and Classic Mode.

HTML coming soon (wish I could edit the WikiWikiNewt!)


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Received on Thu Jul 10 21:22:45 2008

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