[NTLK] Locating the right WiFi card

Joseph bender_2982 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 15 02:33:59 EST 2009

Needless to say, as a newbie MessagePad 2000 user, I've been reading up on everything I can about the device.  I've seen many suggestions that I should simply move to using WiFi as soon as possible and ignore the interconnect port altogether.  I'm ready to do so, but I need the card, of course.  
I've seen several sources, but (once again, I'm new here) I'm not certain who is reputable and who is not.  I don't want to offend anyone here who sells the right cards for a Newton, so I'll just ask:  Where should I go to get a good item?
Also, which driver is the best one to use?  I've seen a couple, but I wasn't sure which was the most stable as of right now.


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