On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:31 AM, Tony Kan wrote:
> Does Victor Rehorst still maintain the code that packages a
> Nintendo ES ROM into
> a Newton Package? This (http://misato.chuma.org/nespackager/
> index.php) online
> packager only returns 0kB files now. Maybe it just needs to be
> reset or
> something... It'd be great to get Spy vs Spy working on the Newt.
> Cheers
> Tony
Back in 2004 there was also a command line version of the NES Package
maker that you could download and create the packagers yourself. I
can't seem to find it anywhere online, but I kept a copy in my old
backups. I created a zip file with the program and simple
instructions on how to use it and uploaded it to my Google Pages
account. When Unna is finished being upgraded I'll submit it for
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Received on Fri Jan 30 10:56:30 2009
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