~~~ On 2009/06/29 06:35, James Fraser at
wheresthatistanbul-newtontalk@yahoo.com wrote ~~~
> Yikes. Perhaps it's just as well you didn't end up with a BurroPak:
> http://the-gadgeteer.com/1998/06/01/pilot_burropak_review/
> (scroll down to the second and third pictures to see what I'm getting at)
> ...as I can only guess at the kind of interest and/or excitement *that* kind
> of rig would generate. ¬ _¬
Wow! Considering what a heavy-handed response you can get on the London
Underground from wearing a denim jacket, I'd hate to wear something that
bulky. I'd be glad to have a shoulder holster if it were really
well-contoured (though I have my doubts that it's possible) -- for when I
wear a suit and don't want to carry a briefcase or whatever -- but that
thing looks thick enough to be mistaken for a machine pistol!
I could imagine being regarded as "provocative" and being detained just to
teach me a lesson. On a good day. Or I could just find myself sent off to
meet Jean Charles deMenezes ...
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
³Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.²
-- what Arthur C. Clarke meant
(With thanks to Chod Lang)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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Received on Mon Jun 29 09:39:28 2009
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