Re: [NTLK] No iNewton announced today

From: Tony Kan <>
Date: Thu Sep 10 2009 - 17:06:08 EDT


You make some good points: but they underline the fact that tablets best serve
vertical markets, something that was discovered way back in the days when the
first market research was undertaken for the Newton; and Apple is looking for
products that are likely to have greater across-the-board demand.

Apart from the Newton is there any other OS that has been designed from the
ground up for pen input so that you can avoid the whirlpool-coldroom effect?



I'd say that among professional graphic artists, and especially 3D artists,
tools like ZBrush, 3D Coat, and Mudbox have completely changed the game. The Pen
as an input device is king, at least inside those apps. The problem (which I set
about addressing in Conjure 3) was that the OS side was not designed for the
tablet. So going from cozy 3D app to Photoshop and back, if you had to touch the
file system at all, was like getting out of one hot whirlpool and walking across
a cold room to get into another hot whirlpool. You really like the whirlpools,
but the commute is a bitch.

At the hospitals I've been in most recently, I have not seen a single laptop in
use. Every computer is now either a tablet PC or a stationary system.

The graphic artist community would kill for a Tablet Mac. And the medical
community would, and I know a lot of coaches who would as well. And they all
have money. That's three different demographics, but Apple's going to have to
really differentiate themselves on this one, and I'm not sure a touch screen
tablet would grab the market like a stylus based one. That's my only concern.

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Received on Thu Sep 10 17:08:37 2009

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