[NTLK] Connection Stopped- No Response

Forrest Buffenmyer anasazi4st at me.com
Mon Feb 8 13:08:46 EST 2010


To echo Woody's comments--yes, cables go bad from misuse...or, they weren't made to last in the first place.

If you have a nearby Apple store or third-party retailer of Apple products (these latter were mostly "mom & pop"-type stores that sold Apple stuff before the official "Apple Stores" opened, you could get the cable there. The main thing is--you get up and running with NCX between your Mac and the eMate. Once that happens, if you've gotten a new cable you could now substitute the suspect one, and see if it works...if not, trash it.

Failing all that--you might also check and see if there's a Mac Users' Group in or near your area...if you can contact its President (or a member he or she designates), you can often meet up with them and they can verify if your cable is any good...and probably sell you a known good working (used) one for not much $$.


On Monday, February 08, 2010, at 10:04AM, "Woody Smith" <woodysmith at comcast.net> wrote:
>I thought all apple serial cable were the same. Others will correct me  
>if wrong.
>I have found defective ones.
>See <http://store.ktusasys.com/apcamdg6ft.html> for what seems to be a  
>good price.
>I usually go to my local used mac /pc computer store and pay about $10.


>On Feb 8, 2010, at 9:44 AM, Amy Rose-Perkins wrote:
>> Hi Forrest,
>> Thanks so much for all of your help. I've now tried connecting the  
>> emate on
>> three separate Macs using all the advice I've received, with  
>> absolutely no
>> luck. My husband even re-installed Classic on one for me, no luck  
>> there
>> either.
>> I wonder if it isn't my serial cable?
>> I bought a male male 8 pin cable from Cables to Go to connect with the
>> Keyspan US-28. The Keyspan seems to be working- the drivers are  
>> properly
>> installed and I can see them using the Keyspan Assistant software. I  
>> feel
>> like I've narrowed down the problem to the serial cable or the emate  
>> itself.
>> I'll try the below, but is there some special Apple 8-pin serial  
>> cable that
>> I should be using?

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