[NTLK] Super Notepad

Doug Denby ddenby at rogers.com
Tue Jan 19 10:54:35 EST 2010

I have and still use SuperNotePad. It is great. I have never had the problems that others mentioned during the last 12-15 years of my using this product. There have been a few upgrades and each one has added features. The extended scrolls and such work best in the last version.

Yes, SuperNotePad adds fields to the frames of the Notes soup but that does not in any way damage such frames. It is much more likely that a combination of other NotePad extensions with SuperNotePad may conflict.

I have used HyperNewt with SuperNotePad with absolutely no problem. And to say that HyperNewt does not add anything to the Note soup is incorrect. HyperNewt utilizes NotePad stationery to store its information and in this way does not affect the record frames of other notes directly, but does enlarge the soup somewhat dramatically. Removing a store (a card) can dramatically affect the links developed by HyperNewt (and other linked records like Iambic's) but does absolutely nothing to the tags used by SuperNotePad which are embedded in the record frames themselves.

One of the other extensions that I like is NewtWiki. It allows links to other notes and names and NewtWorks records without actually affecting the record frame within the NotePad soup. The links are visible in the text of the note itself. However, it has one flaw when linking to other notes: it requires that the other notes be in the same folder. With SuperNotePad this is not a problem as using the tag and filter technique means all notes can be kept in one folder, should one wish. One of the NewtWiki features I appreciate is the assumption of the NotePad as the base of the Newton, the starting point for links to other apps.

But be aware that both NewtWiki and SuperNotePad assume that each note has a unique title. NewtWiki uses the title as its linking apparatus, while SuperNotePad can list the notes by title, although with lots of notes this can take a long time.

SuperNotePad includes a "move note" item under the routing menu which is much better than timeStamp. Move Note allows moving the note to any date within the range of the Newton, wheres timeStamp seems to only move notes to the current date.

Combined with ProPoint, a cursor extension, I have found SuperNotepad a valuable tool.

Doug Denby

On 2010-01-18, at 9:23 PM, Mike Rodgers wrote:

> Could one or more of you give me your opinion of this program.  That is, 
> if you use it.
> Mike
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