[NTLK] Followup: Looking for people willing to donate one cent to pda-soft.de
Frank Gruendel
newtontalk at pda-soft.de
Tue Nov 16 16:00:27 EST 2010
I'm very thankful and slightly embarrassed. Thankful because so many of you helped with the test at
such short notice, embarrassed because some of you donated much more than PayPal's minimum amount,
which wasn't my intention. Again, thank you all!!
All of you who donated reported that the language the pages were presented in was the expected one.
That's good!
All of you who donated reported that PayPal did not take you back to the thank you page. That's bad.
I wonder what could be misunderstood here:
Did I misunderstand the meaning of "when they finish checkout"?
What I noticed was that in their example they are using an address on a secure (https) server,
whereas my thank you pages are on a normal (http) server. I'd think that AFTER the transaction is
finished this wouldn't matter, but who knows? I'll put these pages on a secure server and look what
happens. But I'd be surprised if many PayPal customers who accept donations even have access to such
a secure server, so I can't imagine this could be the reason.
I'm at a complete loss as for why the following happened to Christian (and no one else):
> The one
> problem I had, and I'm writing this here in case anyone can shed light on
> it, is that once I got to the secure Paypal page from Frank's site, it
> refused to let me log into my Paypal account, and kept booting me out to
> re-submit my e-mail address and password, which it never processed.
If somebody here has an idea what might cause this, I'd be thankful for a tip.
John said:
> I would like to make donation but I don't use PayPal. Can you give me yr
> company acc. No. by email.
John, thanks a lot for the offer. But I'm not a company. I'm just a guy who has developed a tendency
to spend the time he should spend on sleep on issues he considers more important. And who is too
stubborn to accept a "this isn't possible" when it comes to web design :-)
All the best, and thanks again!
-- Newton software and hardware at http://www.pda-soft.de
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