[NTLK] Followup: Looking for people willing to donate one cent to pda-soft.de
J.M. Heinrichs
minicapt1 at mac.com
Tue Nov 16 17:38:01 EST 2010
Apparently, Christian has displeased the "Elders of the Internet".
... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDbyYGrswtg
J.M. Heinrichs
minicapt1 at mac.com
On 16 Nov 10, at 13:00, Frank Gruendel wrote:
> Wow...
> I'm very thankful and slightly embarrassed. Thankful because so many of you helped with the test at
> such short notice, embarrassed because some of you donated much more than PayPal's minimum amount,
> which wasn't my intention. Again, thank you all!!
> All of you who donated reported that the language the pages were presented in was the expected one.
> That's good!
> All of you who donated reported that PayPal did not take you back to the thank you page. That's bad.
> I wonder what could be misunderstood here:
> http://www.pda-soft.de/scratch/ppsetup.gif
> Did I misunderstand the meaning of "when they finish checkout"?
> What I noticed was that in their example they are using an address on a secure (https) server,
> whereas my thank you pages are on a normal (http) server. I'd think that AFTER the transaction is
> finished this wouldn't matter, but who knows? I'll put these pages on a secure server and look what
> happens. But I'd be surprised if many PayPal customers who accept donations even have access to such
> a secure server, so I can't imagine this could be the reason.
> I'm at a complete loss as for why the following happened to Christian (and no one else):
>> The one
>> problem I had, and I'm writing this here in case anyone can shed light on
>> it, is that once I got to the secure Paypal page from Frank's site, it
>> refused to let me log into my Paypal account, and kept booting me out to
>> re-submit my e-mail address and password, which it never processed.
> If somebody here has an idea what might cause this, I'd be thankful for a tip.
> John said:
>> I would like to make donation but I don't use PayPal. Can you give me yr
>> company acc. No. by email.
> John, thanks a lot for the offer. But I'm not a company. I'm just a guy who has developed a tendency
> to spend the time he should spend on sleep on issues he considers more important. And who is too
> stubborn to accept a "this isn't possible" when it comes to web design :-)
> All the best, and thanks again!
> Frank
> -- Newton software and hardware at http://www.pda-soft.de
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