[NTLK] Y2010 Fix Idea

Marco Mailand marco.mailand at gmail.com
Sun Oct 3 11:16:58 EDT 2010

Dear all,

by chance I looked into the good old NTLK digest since long time now
and came across the Y2010 proposals to fix the date'n'time reset
problem. I've managed to apply the Y2010 fix before the begin of the
new year, somewhen in December 2009 and experienced the reset problem
soon in January of this year. Then a colleague pointed me to the iPod
touch and I managed to get a new unit on the German eBay including use
of a 50EUR voucher which made the 64GB unit half priced.

I find it amazing that there is still so many people around an keep
the Newton alive. I have mine also always somewhere in reach but must
admit, that I prefer meanwhile the iTouch. It's display could be a
little bit bigger but that's mainly due to my eysight which gets worse
by age. I also could never manage to read and delete e-mail on the
Newton as fast as I can do with the iTouch, beside the fact of easy
internet connectivity in my house and the city center where I work
close to.

However, the ink feature and the HWR of the Newton do I really miss on
the iTouch. The processor and hardware would be capable of being
Newton-like or even better but the software is not that far advanced.
Also the energy use and the fact that the Newton goes to sleep
practically as much as it can is not realized with the new
technologies. There is some applications - probably written by
amateurs - which do not operate like their functional pendants of the

So with one smiling eye do I use my iTouch daily now but the other eye
is still looking into the deep green past.

best regards to all,

Marco Mailand
mailto:Newton2k1 at gmail.com

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