[NTLK] OT: was C64 on app store? now Is IBM evil?

Forrest anasazi4st at me.com
Wed Sep 22 18:48:59 EDT 2010

On Sep 22, 2010, at 02:11 PM, James Fraser <wheresthatistanbul-newtontalk at yahoo.com> wrote:


--- On Wed, 9/22/10, Forrest <anasazi4st at me.com> wrote:

> I also have several Data General laptops (from around
> 1984)...they were truly portable (although they weighed ~35
> lbs each!), but the first ones didn't have hard drives nor
> backlit screens. 

Do you mean the DG-1?

Yes, exactly...and the later Model 2. I've always thought it ironic that the models were called "DG", with "One" written in script right after. As in: DGOne. And, soon enough, they certainly were...gone.

Since the original DGOne had no hard drive, if you wanted to work on something--say, word processing--you'd have to turn it on, either wait for it to boot up or insert a bootable disk into it, load the word processing program (I used something called "Breeze", but there was also WordPerfect), load in the document, and start working. It was NOT a good concept if you had 10-15 minutes to spare and just wanted to make some fast revisions or save some quick notes! At least it used 3 1/2 inch floppies, even if they were single density.

As for "Breeze"...it was shareware and was well written. The author apparently was a student at a university in Australia...I tried to contact him for a donation, but of course any attempts failed. He said he would provide the newest revisions with any donations. I got mine from another DGOne user. If anyone knows anything about this (like where he is or might be found), I'd still consider the donation.


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