[NTLK] How I Connect my Newton 2100 to MacOS X via USB

Nils Wegen nilswegen1 at aol.com
Thu Aug 18 03:33:26 EDT 2011

After I upgrade my Mac to MacOS X 10.6 Irealised that I have no AppleTalk Protocol any more. So the way I connect my Newton 2100 to my Mac wouldn’twork. I used a PCMCIA Card with 10BaseT for a Connection via TCP/IP but withoutthe Protocol I don’t get any connection. 
Two Weeks ago I found the internal USB-001Board from Newtonsales an Order it. I was a little bit worried about open my Newton but it seams to be the best way to get my Newton bag to live. 
Last Week I get my internal USB-001 Boardform Newtonsales. I Printed the disassemble instruction from www.pda-soft.de and install the USB Board. Theinstalling was very simple. Just plug it in the interconnect serial port. Thatsall. After reassemble I realised the first disadvantage of the Board. The Mikro-USB Portis to near to the case of the Newtonso that I cant plug the cable in. So I cut a part of the cable coating form theplug. After that I have no problem to plugging the USB Cable. I althoughordered the PCMCIA Card with the preinstalled package for the Dock application.This was the easiest way to get the package on my Newton. I install the package and started NCX(Newton Connection for Mac OS X) to connect my Newton via the Dock. No connection. So I realisedthat I haven’t changed the Configuration in the Dock application. I changed itand – No connection. At this point I realised the second disadvantage. Therewas no Documentation or Install instruction with the Board. I wrote an email toNewtonsales and describe my Problem. That was on Friday evening and I reckon thatI don’t get an answer before Monday. 12 Hours later I got to emails fromNewtonsales. The first was with some questions and instructions. The second waswith the hint that I have to install a Serial driver on my Mac (I have to lookfor the address and the name and send it later). After the installation I tryto connect my Newtonagain and – IT WORKS. So now I can install packages. The backup is although functioning.The next thing is to try the 2010 BugFix from http://40hz.org/Pages/Patch%2074J185.
I hope it was interesting.
Kind Regards
PS.: Sorry for my English. It is not the best and my frist post to the list.


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