[NTLK] NewTNG 3.0

Reilly001os at aol.com Reilly001os at aol.com
Thu Dec 1 16:49:46 EST 2011

Apple built the print recognizer and licensed the cursive recognizer from someone else.

Joe Reilly

Lord Groundhog <LordGroundhog at gmail.com> wrote:

>~~~ On 2011/11/30 19:16, Matthias Melcher at mm at matthiasm.com wrote ~~~
>> Microsoft licensed half of the HWR from the authors, just as Apple did back
>> then. It's not an Apple invention IIRC.
>Thanks for the explanation.  But it makes me wonder:  do you mean that this
>terrific HWR is based on only *half* the original programming?  Now my
>curiosity is rampant.
>>> One other thing:  most of us have the experience of discovering 3rd party
>>> software                        ...                          At what point
>>> does that consideration come into this process?
>> Yes, the Newton emulator is very very close to the original. Almost all
>> original software should just work. A hardware rebuild would of course be even
>> closer, but even there would be compromises.
>> Do you have any software that does not run on Einstein (missing serial port
>> aside)?
>Ah, well, it's confession time.  I'm one of the people who hasn't yet tried
>running Einstein on anything.  First, because I don't have anything I could
>call an Einstein-worthy device; second, because I've been waiting for
>everything -- hardware and software -- to reach a point where the demands on
>my time for installation, trouble-shooting, set-up tweaking and final
>switch-over, will be minimal; and third, my present Newton experience feels
>so perfect that I'm afraid of a productivity hit if I have to spend too much
>time fiddling.  This would be a really bad time for me to have so much as a
>stutter in my day-to-day work and what passes for the rest of my life:  my
>main Newton is what keeps it all from falling to bits.
>So I've been holding off, hoping that the time would come when some basic
>hardware that isn't going to vanish next season appears, and when Einstein
>is closer to the point when it's going to be as good as, or maybe better
>than, NOS.  
>That's what is behind my various uninformed questions about Einstein from
>time to time.  
>~~~ ~~~ ~~~
>³Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.²
>            -- ref.:  Arthur C. Clarke
>(With thanks to Chod Lang)
>~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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