[NTLK] Christchurch, again...

Tony Kan tonykan at xtra.co.nz
Thu Dec 22 23:20:20 EST 2011

Hi Folks

Thanks for your concern.

Yes, we are OK.  We were planning on meeting some friends in the city; thank
God we hadn't left yet and we weren't in a shopping mall.  All malls have
been evacuated and won't re-open until structural engineers have inspected
them.  The airport is also closed.  We've just had minor damage.  Mostly
broken lamp shades and books falling out of shelves.  Over 25 aftershocks
today.  Mother-in-law in tears.

Most importantly, no physical injuries though there have been reports of
people harmed elsewhere.  Big rock falls reported in the suburbs of
Redcliffs and Sumner.  More liquefaction in the Eastern Suburbs.  The police
have advised that no one should venture near the hills as there is further
risk of rock falls.  26,000 people have no power.  Water mains have burst in
various suburbs.

It is frustrating for those who are awaiting insurance payouts so that they
rebuild.  Wisely the insurance companies have been waiting for things to
settle down.  Today's events will push these payments further out in the

Yet again, the trusty Newton continues to good service, heh.



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