[NTLK] Smart Pens (was: Big question)

Gmail wockrassa at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 09:43:46 EST 2011

On Mac, the Preview program can read PostScript, then save it out as PDF. There may be other third party programs that can do the same on Win.

Alternatively, if you have those .ps files handy, send them to me offlist and I'll have a go at them with Illustrator, which can read and export pretty much any vector file format. 

Once they've been converted to PDF, they should print on pretty much anything. 

• Warren • off console • w azkrmc.com • h nightwares.com •

On Nov 24, 2011, at 22:30, Dan <dan at dbdigitalweb.com> wrote:

> It should be mentioned that printing this special dot paper is not as
> easy as it sounds.  A printer must support "Postscript".  And these days
> it is not as common as it use to be.  And most inkjets (and even laser
> printers) cannot print the special paper as a result.

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