[NTLK] [OT-FS] Re: [ADMIN] Post Etiquette: Items For Sale

Lord Groundhog lordgroundhog at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 12:19:10 EDT 2012

~~~ On 2012/06/08 17:13, Forrest at newtonphoenix at mindspring.com wrote ~~~

> Ewwwww! Rum and gin mixed together? That sounds disgusting!

Really?  I have no idea so I'll take your word for it.  I just wanted to
find an explanation for putting the two together into the name of a card
game.  It would make sense if the loser is the one who has to drink it, I
guess.  And that's what I used to get onto the topic of HHGG, aka "Newton
MP4200".  :-P  



~~~ ~~~ ~~~

³Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.²
            -- ref.:  Arthur C. Clarke

(With thanks to Chod Lang)

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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