[NTLK] Einstein crashing on boot attempt

Frank Gruendel newtontalk at pda-soft.de
Wed Nov 13 15:25:41 EST 2013


provided you can establish a physical connection between your Android device
and your Windows computer (which normally only requires the right USB
cable): Do you feel confident to use the adb debugger? You can find a
description and a download link here:


To make this work, you will have to enable the developer mode on your
Android device. This setting usually lurks somewhere at 

	Apps - Settings - System - Developer Options - Debugging - USB

Once this is done, all you need to do is open a DOS shell in the folder
where the Debugger is installed, which at least under XP is

	C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools

Now you can use adb to check if your device is connected by typing

	adb devices

The debugger will now list the attached devices. If yours is found, you will
see a long number, follwed by the text " device". Chances are good that your
device wouldn't be found before you install a Windows USB driver for it. But
if you have ever connected the device successfully to a Windows application,
the driver should be already installed.

If this succeeds, you can now watch what your Android device deems worth
reporting to the debugger. To do this, you use the logcat command.

Since logcat has a tendency to become ever so slightly chatty, you are well
advised to clear all output first by typing

	 adb logcat -c

Theoretically, you could now monitor the Android device's debug output in
the console by typing

	adb logcat

Due to the aforementioned chattiness, however, I wouldn't recommend to do
this since debug output will scroll very fast into Nirwana. The DOS shell
can only hold so many lines, and it doesn't allow you to search. So you
should better redirect the output to a file by typing

	adb logcat >output.txt

>From then on you will not see any output in the console. This doesn't matter
since output will end up in the text file.

Now you should start Einstein and let it crash. Then type <control>c in your
DOS shell to prevent further output to be written to the file. After that
you can open the file in a text editor and search for "install", "Einstein"
or some such. Or you simply send the file my way.

Good luck


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