[NTLK] sorta OT: best iOS handwriting recog SW?

Terence Griffin griffin at nist.gov
Thu Jun 2 10:34:29 EDT 2016

Google Handwriting Input is on iTunes App Store. It's my main input 
method in Android. Chickens have better handwriting than me, and GHI 
works great. You DO have to let Google collect samples to get that level 
of recognition. It is still usable without sample collection, but you 
have to be neater.

Other than that, try a gesture keyboard. One inputs a word by drawing a 
line from letter to letter on the keyboard. My favorite is Swype. Its 
pretty fast and accurate.

Hope that helps!

- Tere

On 06/01/2016 05:04 PM, Dennis Swaney wrote:
> That is only for the WritePad app. There are several different apps that do
> it for their app. What we need is one that works globally on the device.
> Sincerely,
> Dennis B. Swaney
> "I think, therefore I Mac"
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 12:36 PM, John Heinrichs <minicapt1 at mac.com> wrote:
>> https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/writepad-pro-word-processor/id797238295?mt=8
>> <
>> https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/writepad-pro-word-processor/id797238295?mt=8
>> Cheers
>> J.M. Heinrichs
>>minicapt1 at mac.com
>>> On 01 Jun 16, at 2:32, Abraham Limpo <abraham at familialimpo.net> wrote:
>>> Hi Bob
>>> There isn't much interest inside Apple on developing HWR for iOS. Last
>>> interview I read (back when they released iPad pro) was that nowadays
>>> people just keep HW notes or they just retype them, and therefore is no
>>> value in develop a HWR solution. Instead they're focusing on making the
>> ink
>>> "interactive", whatever that means (note: they hinted about changing
>> colors
>>> and making easily shareable with other apps).
>>> As for third party, you can try myStylus. Is a keyboard replacement that
>>> supports HWR.
>>> I know is probably not the answer you're seeking, but nowadays the only
>> OS
>>> that has real solid support on HWR is Windows. Last beta of windows 10
>> (the
>>> "Anniversary update" due to have an official release next month) improves
>>> the already good HWR engine with better integration and less latency
>>> through the windows Ink API. My hope is that with the release of this new
>>> API (they promise that making ink apps is as easy as adding "two lines of
>>> code". I think they left the marketing guy too near the official report)
>>> some developers will try their hand at making some good apps.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Abraham
>>> 2016-06-01 8:53 GMT+02:00 Bob Carls Dudney <kosmicdollop at saber.net>:
>>>> Would much appreciate recommendations re: iOS handwriting recognition
>>>> software
>>>> BD
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