[NTLK] Navigating the web with the newton

Forrest newton_phoenix at mindspring.com
Sun Dec 10 13:38:22 EST 2017

Hi Daniel:

I am intrigued by the last file/package listed on your webpage: newtTunes. “Use this program to control your iPod from the Newton.”

Can you tell us more? How is this done?

Also—I am most anxious to try the NetHopper fixes you have created. I have had issues with NH since I first installed it, that I hope these remedy.


Sent from my T-Mobile iPhone 6S Plus

> On Dec 10, 2017, at 10:18 AM, Daniel Padilla <daniel.padilla at gmail.com> wrote:
> Check these packages I made to fix that issue.
> http://dev.newtontalk.net/dpadilla/progs.htm
> NHcharsets.pkg and ZNHpatch.pkg
> There's also a JPEG plug in you may want to use.
> Sent from my mobile phone, excuse the brevity.
> El 10 dic. 2017 6:01 p. m., "Abraham Limpo" <abraham at familialimpo.net>
> escribió:
> Hello fellow newtonians!
> I managed to connect my emate to internet, but seems that I'm unable to
> load any webpage. Newthopper says that it doesn't support 'text/html' (or
> UTF8) while I seem to be able to load simple webpages (that I made) with
> newt's cape but isn't able to open anything else.
> Because I'm using a "unusual" method to connect to internet (direct serial
> connection to a unix server with PPPD) I don't know if I'm doing anything
> wrong or there is simply no webpages for newton to open.
> Any suggestion?
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